How to restore deleted subsite in SharePoint 2013?

Deleted subsites not going in Recycle Bin? Yes, unfortunately it is true. If you delete subsite and try to restore from end user recycle bin, the operation will fail beacuse there isn`t such item in trash library. But there is a solution. You can find those deleted subsites on the following URL:




View=2 switches to view that contains deleted sites and can be used for restore actions

Cannot find any matching endpoint – WCF connection in SPD2013

When creating a WCF connection in SPD 2013, you may face the problem with the following error: “Cannot find any matching endpoint configuration”. The problem is service endpoint URL address.

If you are connecting to ASMX based web service, the “Service Endpoint URL” is the ASMX service url. For example, if the ASMX service is hosted at http://server/service.asmx then the values for “Service Metadata URL” and “Service Endpoint URL” are as follows:

Service Metadata URL – http://server/service.asmx?wsdl
Service Endpoint URL – http://server/service.asmx