How to connect to SharePoint Online from Power Shell?

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell



$userCredential = Get-Credential -UserName $adminUPN -Message “Type the password.”

Connect-SPOService -Url https://$ -Credential $userCredential

SharePoint Designer 2010 cannot display the item

If you face the problem with “SharePoint Designer cannot display the item” in SharePoint Designer 2010, proceed with the following steps;

  1. On the local computer, browse to the following folder:
    • C:\Users\<Replace Your User Name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
    • Example: C:\Users\mark.lee.contoso\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
  2. Delete everything in WebsiteCache folder.
  3. On the local computer, browse to the following folder:
    • C:\Users\<Replace Your User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache
    • Example: C:\Users\mark.lee.contoso\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache
  4. Delete everything in ProxyAssemblyCache folder.
  5. Done.
  6. Open SharePoint Designer 2013

Outlook 2016 compatibility tab

In Microsoft Office 2016 apps DPI scaling system renders all office products looking like blurry messes and you definitely need to disable DPI scaling via the compatibility tab – but the problem is there isn`t compatibility tab anymore in app properties. Instead of that, you have to use Troubleshoot compatibility wizard. Go through the wizard and select the option for ‘The program opens but doesn’t display correctly’. This will turn off the DPI zoom

Simple jQuery Autocomplete

<span class="doctype"><!doctype html></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">html</span> <span class="attribute">lang</span>=<span class="value">"en"</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">head</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">meta</span> <span class="attribute">charset</span>=<span class="value">"utf-8"</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">title</span>></span>jQuery UI Autocomplete - Default functionality<span class="tag"></<span class="title">title</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">link</span> <span class="attribute">rel</span>=<span class="value">"stylesheet"</span> <span class="attribute">href</span>=<span class="value">"//"</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">script</span> <span class="attribute">src</span>=<span class="value">"//"</span>></span><span class="tag"></<span class="title">script</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">script</span> <span class="attribute">src</span>=<span class="value">"//"</span>></span><span class="tag"></<span class="title">script</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">link</span> <span class="attribute">rel</span>=<span class="value">"stylesheet"</span> <span class="attribute">href</span>=<span class="value">"/resources/demos/style.css"</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">script</span>></span>
$(<span class="keyword">function</span>() {
<span class="keyword">var</span> availableTags = [
<span class="string">"ActionScript"</span>,
<span class="string">"AppleScript"</span>,
<span class="string">"Asp"</span>,
<span class="string">"BASIC"</span>,
<span class="string">"C"</span>,
<span class="string">"C++"</span>,
<span class="string">"Clojure"</span>,
<span class="string">"COBOL"</span>,
<span class="string">"ColdFusion"</span>,
<span class="string">"Erlang"</span>,
<span class="string">"Fortran"</span>,
<span class="string">"Groovy"</span>,
<span class="string">"Haskell"</span>,
<span class="string">"Java"</span>,
<span class="string">"JavaScript"</span>,
<span class="string">"Lisp"</span>,
<span class="string">"Perl"</span>,
<span class="string">"PHP"</span>,
<span class="string">"Python"</span>,
<span class="string">"Ruby"</span>,
<span class="string">"Scala"</span>,
<span class="string">"Scheme"</span>
$( <span class="string">"#tags"</span> ).autocomplete({
source: availableTags
<span class="tag"></<span class="title">script</span>></span>
<span class="tag"></<span class="title">head</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">body</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">div</span> <span class="attribute">class</span>=<span class="value">"ui-widget"</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">label</span> <span class="attribute">for</span>=<span class="value">"tags"</span>></span>Tags: <span class="tag"></<span class="title">label</span>></span>
<span class="tag"><<span class="title">input</span> <span class="attribute">id</span>=<span class="value">"tags"</span>></span>
<span class="tag"></<span class="title">div</span>></span>
<span class="tag"></<span class="title">body</span>></span>
<span class="tag"></<span class="title">html</span>></span>

Access FTP on Windows Server 2012 R2

Installing FTP on Windows Server 2012 (R2) is quite simple, just follow the steps in “Add Roles and Features” wizard and complete the setup. If you are unable to access your newly created FTP site, this is most likely due to Windows Firewall settings. To fix this, open a command prompt using the steps below and then run the following commands:

  • netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”FTP (no SSL)” action=allow protocol=TCP dir=in localport=21
  • netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp enable

Windows Server 2012 R2 losing network connection after reboot

Many users around the internet report that Windows Server 2012 R2 loses network connection after reboot. Today I had the same problem. I have basic home network plugged into a wired TP-Link router bridged to a DSL modem. All computers on the local network are accesible, but there no internet connectivity after reboot. To fix it, I tried o disable my NIC then re-enable it and then I get internet connectivity. I’ve tried deleting and re-installing the driver, looking for updates etc.


So, what is a solution?


Create a Windows Scheduled Task (taskschd.msc or Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools\Task Scheduler) with a Trigger: begin the task At start up and in the Advanced settings delay task for 10 seconds. Then add an Action to Start a program and select your .bat script.


.bat script content:


@echo on
timeout /t 10
netsh interface set interface “Local Area Connection” DISABLED
timeout /t 10
netsh interface set interface “Local Area Connection” ENABLED

How to manage RSS options on SharePoint site?

In a few SharePoint implementations, clients asked about managing RSS? RSS settings for each site are available under Site Settings – RSS, with options to enable or disable RSS for site collection or site and copyrights parameters. All you have to do is to select or deselect those check boxes.