Database Connector has throttled the response. The response from database contains more than ‘2000’ rows – error on external list in SharePoint

By default, SharePoint will try to fetch 2000 rows for external list, and in case you get this error, the only way is to increase default settings by simple Powershell command in a few easy steps.

Database Connector has throttled the response. The response from database contains more than ‘2000’ rows. The maximum number of rows that can be read through Database Connector is ‘2000’. The limit can be changed via the ‘Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig’ cmdlet.


  1. Log in to SharePoint server
  2. Start SharePoint Management Shell as administrator (right-click, run as administrator)
  3. Execute the following command: Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy
  4. Note the ID value for “Business Data Con” application
  5. Execute the following:  $serviceapp = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy -Identity 9b2e386e-ffee-455f-a416-302ff0aed069 (replace identity ID with your value from previous step)
  6. Execute the following command:  Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Scope Database -ThrottleType Items -ServiceApplicationProxy $serviceapp | Set-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Maximum 1000000000 -Default 500000
  7. Restart IIS (iisreset /noforce)


“Save as site template” option is missing in SharePoint Online

As you probably know, once the publishing feature is activated the ‘Save site as a template‘ option will be unavailable in Site Settings. If you try to disable the feture it won`t resolve the problem, since onlu one activation will change the settings for all sites. However, there is a workaround as described below:

First ty to navigate directly to http://yoursite/_layouts/15/savetmpl.aspx  and you will get the form for creating template. Simply fill in the form and you`re done.

If you get some error, then you need to connect to SharePoint Online via powershell first, and execute the following commands:


$web = Get-SPWeb http://your_ site
$web.AllProperties[“SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled”] = “true”


then try to access above URL again!

SharePoint Designer shows up blank workflows in text-based view

You have workflows associated with list or libraries, and everything works fine, except the possibility to edit all those conditions and actions in SharePoint Designer 2013?

If you click “edit workflow”, none of the workflow steps show up – instead you see a blank page with “insert a stage by using the stage button on the ribbon”. Yes, the problem is related to SPD client and all you have to do is to install the following update from Microsoft site:

How to restore deleted subsite in SharePoint 2013?

Deleted subsites not going in Recycle Bin? Yes, unfortunately it is true. If you delete subsite and try to restore from end user recycle bin, the operation will fail beacuse there isn`t such item in trash library. But there is a solution. You can find those deleted subsites on the following URL:




View=2 switches to view that contains deleted sites and can be used for restore actions

SharePoint URLs for SharePoint staff

Site collection level recycle bin:



Site level recycle bin:



Recreate default site sp groups:



Load document tab initial:



Display list in grid view. ‘True’ is case sensitive:



Quick Launch settings page:



Navigation Settings page:



Sandboxed Solution Gallery:



Workflow history hidden list:

/lists/Workflow History


Filter toolbar for Lists and libraries:


Site usage page:



Site content and structure  page:



Site settings page:



View all site content page:



Manage site collection features:



Manage site features:



Get the version of the SharePoint server:



Web Part Maintenance Page:



Show Page in Dialog View:



Application page for registering SharePoint apps:



Save Site as a template:



Sign in as a different user:



Enable SharePoint designer:



Welcome Page (Default page settings):



Change Site Master Page:



Page Layouts and Site Templates:



Master Pages library:



Quick Deploy List:

Open Page in Edit Mode:



Custom RTE styles for SharePoint

List of available CSS style definitions to add custom font-styles or element-styles to the RTEs in SharePoint:


How to add custom font to SharePoint 2016 RTE?

SharePoint allows users to define new/custom fonts, font-size, text-alignment etc., to be added to the rich text editors. By default, SharePoint search for style definitions with the prefix ‘.ms-rte’  in CSS files.  The easiest way is to create a custom CSS file with the following style definition:

	-ms-name:"My Own Font";
	font-family:"Custom Font Face Name";

Add a reference to this CSS file on the SharePoint pages where ever you need the custom styles/fonts for the RTEs or add those lines in some custom global CSS on project.

How to format date in SharePoint XSL templates?

In many projects when using CQWP web parts you need to customize date format. By default, SharePoint gives date with time, but we often need only date. Here is a simple scenario:

  1. First you need to reference the ddwrt namespace at the top of your <xsl:stylesheet> tag:
  2. In order to display custom date format you have to use the following code (replace @ArticleStartDate with your column ):
    xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:FormatDate(@ArticleStartDate, 2057, 1)"
  3. Save. Publish. Check results 😉


Properties of Javascript context object (.ctx) on SharePoint 2013

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