About Dragan Todorovic

Senior Consultant for SharePoint & O365 services with more than 8 years of experience. Fan of web technologies and cloud services.

How to change Sharepoint 2013 theme on MySite?

If your “Change the look” link is missing in Site settings, you cannot change theme easily. However, all SP sites have the same URL paths for many options, and you can simply type direct URL for themes.

All you have to do is to simply add “/_layouts/15/designgallery.aspx” to the URL address. Example: http://mysite/_layouts/15/designgallery.aspx. Now you can apply custom theme to MySite

Keep in mind that MySite uses special master page (mysite15.master). It is important to update new composed look with this master page URL.

Enjoy Sharepointing!


Outlook.com IMAP Mail Server Settings

Account type: IMAP
Incoming mail server: imap-mail.outlook.com
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtp-mail.outlook.com


Logon Information:
User Name: your @outlook.com email address
Password: your @outlook.com password


Then click on the “More Settings” button:
Outgoing Server tab: mark the box “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” and select “use same settings as my incoming mail server”.


Advanced tab – Server Port Numbers:
Incoming server (POP3): port 993
– you must also mark the box “this server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)”
Outgoing server (SMTP): port 587
– you must also choose “TLS” for the option “Use the following types of encrypted connection”.


SharePoint branding with custom CSS?

The custom CSS filelets you apply custom CSS to a SP content. Be aware that option is available only within a SharePoint server publishing site. The custom CSS option also ensures that this CSS file will load last, which prevents the Corev4.css from overriding it.

Here are some useful css tricks:

<style type="text/css">
/* Change ribbon background color */
body #s4-Ribbonrow {
<style type="text/css">
/* Change header */
.s4-title {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#C3D6AA',     endColorstr='#283A10'); /* for IE */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #C3D6AA, #283A10); /* for firefox 3.6+ */
<style type="text/css">
/* Change the breadcrumb in the title area */
.s4-title h1 a {
<style type="text/css">
/* Change the color of the page title in the header area */
.s4-title h2 a {
/* Team Site*/
.ms-WikiPageNameEditor-Display {
/*Blog Site*/   
.s4-titletext h2 {

How to remove blank space around the web part in SharePoint 2013

Extra space is added to SP webpart by default. It is very unuseful when you organize page content. To remove the extra space injected to the webpart, add the below css in Content Editor webapart on your page.
<style type="text/css">
     .ms-webpartPage-root {
         border-spacing: 0px !important;
       .ms-webpartzone-cell {
         margin: 0px !important;

Cannot display the webpage while creating a Web Application in SharePoint

I recently ran into an issue when creating a new web application on SharePoint 2013.  Everything looks fine until the dialog box displayed “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”.  I did a little research and found what was the problem. To resolve the issue do the following:


  1. Open IIS manager.
  2. In the tree view, open the server name and click on Application Pools.
  3. Locate the SharePoint Central Administration v4 application pool. Right click on it and choose Advanced Settings.
  4. In the Process Model section, set the Shutdown Time Limit to a greater value. As an example, 500.
  5. Restart IIS.

How to change ‘ms-core-brandingText’ using PowerShell in SharePoint 2013

PowerShell scripting?  Isn’t that just a server thing for high level admins? It is true, but many things could be done with simple PowerShell scripts just in a few minutes and without previous knowledge.

  1. Create the following script in a plain text editor such as Notepad and save with a .PS1 extension (replace $Text content with your own)
     $WebAppUrl='http://sp2013-01:2525' $Text = '&lt;div&gt;&lt;a style="color:#FFFFFF" href="http://sp2013-01:2525"&gt;IntraNELT&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;' Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $webApp = Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppUrl $html = "&lt;div class='ms-core-brandingText'&gt;"+$Text+"&lt;/div&gt;" $webApp.SuiteBarBrandingElementHtml = $html $webApp.Update()
  2. Start SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as admin, and run the script by entering the full path to the script (c:\scripts\script.ps1), or if it’s in the current directory, prefix it with a period followed by a backslash (.\script.ps1). If the path to the script contains a space, enclose the full path in quotation marks and prefix the entire thing with an ampersand (for example: &”C:\scripts\script.ps1″).
  3. Let’s now go and check out our title on SharePoint page.